ian’s blanket

I’m joining up with Ginny on her “yarn along“. I love to knit and love to read – but since I haven’t figured out how to do both at the same time – I also love Audible.  I think I’m going to relisten to the “Wheel of Time” series.

I finished this afghan up about a week ago or so. I used a Debbie Neville yarn, which actually turn out pretty soft and nice to work with. It had been awhile since I did much crochet, but this project seemed to come together pretty quickly. Maybe because I was sick part of the time I was working on it, so spent more time just sitting and crocheting….

Ian's blanket 2013-04-04 17.07.45

Have a great week ~ So what are you knitting / crocheting / spinning / reading / listening to?

Check out some others at the ~  Yarn Along & WIP Wednesday with tami’s amis

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